Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top 10 Christian Cliches

Christians say some crazy things.
We think we are being spiritual, godly, helpful, wise, encouraging, but really we are sticking our big stinky feet in our big open mouths. There are quite a few phrases within the church that irk me. I’m guessing you feel the same.
Here are the Top 10 Christian phrases I never want to hear again--starting with … 

1. “Guard your heart.”

Yes, this phrase is scriptural and comes from Proverbs 4:23. I have usually heard this snippet of Scripture used in reference to a dating relationship.
One girl would pray for another, something like this: “Lord, please help her ‘guard her heart’ in this relationship with this particular boy … ” What they really want to pray and what they really should pray is: “Lord, help her be sexually pure and stay out of bed in this relationship with this particular boy … ” Just pray what you mean.

2. “I’ll pray for you.”

OK, this one is tricky, because I don’t want to judge. I want to believe that when someone says they will pray for you, they will actually pray.
I suspect, however, that all too often, Christians throw this phrase out as a nice-ism to either make someone feel better or because they don’t know what else to say.
Side note: I take this phrase very seriously, and I want you to know that when I say that I will pray for you I actually will.

3. “Quiet time.”

I’m going to be honest—I despise this phrase. It does not exist in the Bible (the concept does on some level, perhaps), yet we throw this around like law.
Did you have your “quiet time?” Don’t forget your “quiet time.” It goes on and on.
How about setting aside time to be quiet before the Lord, yes, but also meeting with Him in the loud times, the crazy times, the exhausting times—basically throughout your day and throughout your life?

4. “I don’t feel led.”

 This is another time when you just need to say what you mean. More often than not, it’s not that we “don’t feel led,” but rather, we just don’t want to.
Instead of being honest, we blame God, as if He was directing us elsewhere.

5. “It was the Lord’s will … ” when something fails.

Again, this is not always the case, but I have witnessed this phrase become a catch-all to excuse irresponsibility or sin.
Perhaps a ministry, or church, or (worst of all) a marriage failed because responsible parties allowed it to fail. Perhaps it really wasn’t “the Lord’s will.”

6. “Hedge of protection.”

I have caught myself starting to pray it as well, and I stop in my tracks. It’s just a silly Christian-ism.
Again, pray what you mean.

7. “Walk with the Lord.”

I don’t dislike this phrase so much as I think it has become trite.
More than that, we say this in front of unbelievers constantly, and they must be thinking, “What the what?”

8. “Invite Jesus into your heart.”

Again, I don’t despise this Christian-ism; however, I think besides not being entirely scriptural, it fails to communicate the fact that a life devoted unto Christ is the goal—total surrender, nothing less.

9. “Sinner’s prayer” or “Prayer of salvation.”

This phrase is not Biblical. God reaches us all differently.

10. “Jesus loves you.”

It is completely, 100 percent true. He does love you … and me. A bumper sticker isn’t the way to communicate His love, however. Action is.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Start The School Year Off Right!!!

This is a great time to get rid of a few of our bad habits, start a some good ones, and try to do  better than last year.

Have A Daily Quiet Time With God

The time we personally spend with God defines us. If we skip spending time with Him, our lives lack true definition. The reasons for studying the Bible and praying are far too great to neglect. 
If you struggle to keep a daily quiet time schedule, don't freak out. A lot of people struggle with  this. But let me encourage you to really commit to making time each day to spend reading God's Word, praying, and listening. 
Psalm 119:9-16 (NIV)  -"How can a young person keep their way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees. With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word."

Eat Better

About nine in 10 teenagers eat junk food every day. This might be fizzy drinks and high-cholestrol snacks like potato chips. However, your body can’t run properly on inferior fuel.  A poor diet can cause weight gain, high blood pressure, constipation, fatigue and concentration problems – even when you’re young. If you don't feel good, it's hard to be effective!
       1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV)-  "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit       within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.         So glorify  God in your body."  -this goes with the next point as well.


I Timothy 4:8 – which reads “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 
Studies show that exercise gives us physical and mental energy, it gives us stronger muscles and bones, helps us sleep better, reduces fatigue, depression, and anxiety, fights heart disease, and generally gives you a longer, healthier life. “Physical training is of some value.”

Start A Routine

Some tips for how to stop bad habits and start good habits, from Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins:
1) Identify what you want. Be very clear and specific.
2) Link intense pain to not changing and intense pleasure to immediate change.
3) Interrupt the bad habit when it is occurring.
4) Replace the bad habit with a new, good habit.
Think about your life: What do you want to change?
Routines can be good when they help us establish good working habits. I find when I stick to a routine, I accomplish some of the little things that I may not always enjoy doing. 
       Romans 12:2 (ESV) - "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your         mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Psalm 119:9, (NIV) - “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word” .

These are only some of the ways you can begin your new year off to the right start.  Begin today.
Bad habits are called "Bad Habits" for a reason.  Be all you can be for God!