Thursday, May 15, 2014

God Takes The Summer Off

“We are sorry to inform you that God will not be available during the summer beginning June 1st.  He feels He deserves some time off, so He has canceled His normal duties for the summer.
He has agreed to send the sun and rain occasionally when He happens to be in town, but so far as answering prayers for the needs of your family, please don’t count on Him.

God has let church leaders know that they should not plan any outreach efforts or mission trips during the summer—or at least if they do, they will have to do it without Him because He plans to be gone a lot to see relatives, baseball games and the lake.  God has expressed the opinion that we should find someone else to take His place.

Then we reminded Him of His promise, “Surely I will be with you always,” but He said He didn’t realize when He said it that it meant going two or three years without a break.  He expressed His sincere regret and hopes that it will not cause anyone any inconvenience.

God may be contacted anytime after September 1st at which time He hopes to get back into the routine.  “Please defer all requests until then,” He requested.

Aren’t you glad God doesn’t take the summer off?  As we approach summer, make it your determination to bring yourself and your family to God’s House on Sunday.  He’ll be waiting for us to worship Him.”

Monday, February 17, 2014

Guest Post: Josh Griffin

Proud to have Josh Griffin, High School Pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA do a guest spot this month!

God’s Love Brings Permanent Results

There is NOTHING like LOVE. Things may heal us temporarily, money can buy us happiness for a short period before we want more of it, and cupcakes may put smiles on our faces…until they are gone. As I once heard, permanent results do not come from temporary change. Permanent results only come from permanent change. These things are only temporary. The only thing that is permanent is LOVE. God is love. Love is the only thing that heals from the inside out…PERMANENTLY!
When I was living the way I wanted to, when I wanted to; I hung out with people with a like-mind. They didn’t want what was best for me or try to build me up. We encouraged each other to do things like cuss and steal, breaking each other down. Neither one of us had direction, how could we lead the other? Living for yourself, with others who do the same, leads to destruction and does not produce love.
That’s why it is so important for us to love people who have no direction, because they have not experienced love. Love will affect their lifestyle choices and change the way the see life. When I first experience God’s love, I was at the lowest point in my life. I walked into the church I am at now for the first time, and people chose to reach out to me. There were people who wanted the best for me and who built me up with the power of love. Through them, I could see it wasn’t over, there was hope, and God had a plan for my life. Only because I could sense the change that was happening on the inside of me, all because of the love God’s people chose to share when I was at my lowest.
Never underestimate the power of love. “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” (1 John 4:18) And where there is no fear, people are empowered and free to do all that God has called them to do!! Let’s be so filled up with God’s love that His love comes out of the overflow of our hearts and into the lives of those who need it most! Let’s bring on some permanent change!!
Ashley Fordinal is the Children’s Church volunteer at Family Life Church in Sulphur Springs, TX.